Saturday, July 18, 2009

Goldman Sachs is Running the Country


Secretary Henry (Hank) Paulson currently heads the Treasury Department, but used to be the CEO of Goldman Sachs. Paulson convinced Bush to bailout Goldman Sachs, but let Lehman Brothers fail. Lehman Brothers was one of Goldman’s biggest competitors, and now Goldman doesn’t have to worry about them anymore. Even The Huffington Post, the most liberal “news” outlet in existence, has issues with Paulson’s treatment of Lehman Brothers and his purported reasons for his actions.
Then Paulson decides AIG must be bailed out. Oddly enough, one of the first things AIG does with its bailout funds is pay off Goldman Sachs to the tune of $13 billion. See the article:
Next, Paulson appoints another Goldman Sachs employee to design & oversee TARP. Once again The Huffinngton Post is not just reporting this to be correct, they are suggesting it is suspicious:
Then, Paulson allows Goldman to become a bank holding company. As a bank holding company they can get both TARP funds and FDIC funds. In addition, they are no longer subject to SEC oversight. See what the reliably liberal Washington Post has to say on this subject:

So who at the FDIC is overseeing the new & improved Goldman Sachs? Another ex-employee of Goldman Sachs who is not only still on the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs, he still owns stock in Goldman Sachs. How is this legal? How can the government watchdog be allowed to own part of the company he is supposed to be watching? Because he got a waiver from Treasury (run by Goldman ex-employee Paulson); allowing him to keep his seat on the Board and his stock. This is from The Rolling Stone for goodness sake:
But the absolutely worst part of this whole boondoggle is that not only does this FDIC “employee” get to keep his Goldman stock, he is allowed to buy 52,000 additional shares of Goldman stock. I can’t believe it myself, the guy your tax dollars are paying to oversee Goldman Sachs, is allowed to buy 52,000 additional shares of Goldman stock. I’m sure it is just a coincidence that said shares have increased in value three million dollars in less than 8 months. Check out what CNN reported:

And now, to add insult to injury, Goldman Sachs has gone from the verge of bankruptcy to a second quarter profit in excess of $3 billion; in less than a year.

HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? I have seen a 50% drop in my net worth in the last 2 years. How can a company that was in such terrible shape a few months ago post a $3 billion profit? I don’t know for sure, but I have a pretty good idea. They have been getting “helped” all along and I’m willing to bet what net worth I have left, they got “helped” some more by the same ex-employees who are suddenly heading numerous government agencies.
I am the first to admit that Bush started this insane “helping” of Goldman Sachs. And I was under the impression that this type of “Wall Street welfare” was one of the things that caused a lot of voters to vote for the “change” candidate. Why then is this unbelievable behavior continuing under the Obama administration? Could it be that Obama received in excess of $980,000 in campaign contributions from Goldman employees? Don’t believe me, check out The Huffington Post:

What does the future hold? Goldman Sachs is now a major player in cap and trade. They are huge supporters of Cap & Trade. Why, they expect to make billions more from this insane legislation. Don’t believe me? Check out what Mother Jones (Mother Jones for Pete’s sake) has to say on the subject:

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